Maya Scriven
Ithaca College, Senior, 1st Major: Film, Photography, and Visual Art & 2nd Major: Race, Power, and Resistance & Minor: African Diaspora Studies

 Maya Scriven, aka Jasmine, is an award-winning filmmaker studying Film, Photography, and Visual Arts along with Race, Power, and Resistance at Ithaca College. She is working toward a career in the film industry where opportunities will be presented to direct films, write screenplays, edit video productions, and more. She is leaning towards being a director of photography.

Randy Fulton
Loyola University, Maryland

My name is Randy Fulton, I have just finished my sophomore year at Loyola University Maryland and I am now a Communications major specializing in Advertising and Public Relations with a minor in Marketing. I am a huge sports fan, and I hope to one day use the media and extensive writing skills I learn with my major to become a sports writer or broadcaster at a well known media outlet. My goal is to one day work at ESPN in some fashion in one of those positions. The scholarship has been a huge help to me as it has funded many pertinent parts of my college education like books and school supplies.